Monday, November 26, 2007

God Software Services Private Limited :)

A couple of months back The Tribune carried out an article about the Congress Office workers in UP hailing Sonia Gandhi as a goddess so much so that they had made some statues of her in the likes of Goddess Durga. ( ). My mother’s first reaction on reading the article was “Imagine a point in future maybe 2 centuries (or more) later when some archeologist digs up a lost site and comes across the intact statue of hers. And then…she actually would be thought of as a goddess….”

This made me think of the whole thing in reverse. Imagine all the Gods that we pray to as simple guys like us and someone somewhere down the line manipulated them as Gods and Goddesses?

Lets look back…a couple of millenniums ago a race maybe superior from another planet were trying to create Artificial Intelligence (AI). The project team that had got a head start and was way ahead of their competitors was named God. The final objective of God was to develop AI that is able to sustain and multiply itself. They had already created the basic structure which they called “spirit” that was light and intangible. On a more technical note it had an underwritten code that described the spirit’s reaction to different situations. The code was open in the sense that the spirit could edit it for itself depending on the new learnings from the surrounding environment.

However the scientists still had the challenge of finding a way to enable the spirit to sustain it- it needed a solid cover to protect itself and have a more tangible bearing. None of the available materials and elements seemed good enough. Finally the scientists came up with a compound called “body” which was a mixture of soil, water, wood, metal and fire. These elements seemed perfect as on an individual level as they represented the characteristics of the spirit and together gave it a tangible form.

The very first of the samples were developed on the production unit, Mars, and the development documentation for the same was transported to Venus; another of the production units. However due to a typo error in the content of the ingredients the very first samples developed on Venus were different from their counterparts on Mars. The difference was in terms of subtlety. While the prototypes on Mars were aggressive and weak in spirit, the ones on Venus were softer and yet more strong, more durable. After a lot of debate it was decided to mix the prototypes as parts of the same species, so that their strengths and weaknesses could complement each other and the engineers were saved of the trouble of writing further code. Rather than developing on a single kind of prototype leading to a slower system they had two of them, faster and more efficient. To differentiate the prototypes from Mars were called Men and from Venus as Women.

Things were going just too good to be true. The team members felt that they had almost reached the end of the project way ahead of their competitors. True that they had reached this level after months of slogging; and it was time now to relax. They decided to take a vacation trip to the site where the prototypes (now known as humans) were supposed to be put. Beside fun they could also inspect the location (called Earth) in detail and put a couple (one man one woman) for close inspection. Going forward the prototypes would be remotely controlled via signals that would be received by the chip embedded in the spirit.

The vacation was nearing its end. The experiment was a smashing success. The prototypes were behaving themselves as they were supposed to without any errors. The team had even succeeded in developing a sub code whereby the prototypes at the end of a specific period would terminate themselves. The highlights of the new sub code were that the termination date was generated automatically when the sum total of all emotions/elements of which the spirit was composed became equal to zero. As soon as the termination date was reached the body dissipated; decomposing back into the elements it was originally of: fire, soil, water, water and metal and the spirit was guided back to the base. New members of the species were added when the older ones were terminated. This was done via another sub program named “Attraction”. Basically the program made the man and woman to come together and copulate. The copulation process automatically sent a mail to the Central Admin who then guided one of the spirits to earth inside the woman’s body. The spirit then acquired its own body over a period of nine months depending on the characteristics of the couple. It was a fully automatic system and a beauty in itself.

Then tragedy struck all of a sudden. Two of the senior scientists of the project team God, thought of applying the code on their own race. In his hurry to finish up the things (without the knowledge of other team members) they messed up things and applied a code on the entire team that was high on ego and pride. Their consequent actions led to the divisions within team God, which split into 3 large groups namely, Hindus, Muslims and Christians and a number of smaller ones. The Hindus group was headed by Brahma, Muslims by Allah and Christians by Jesus. Each of the groups had the expertise to develop the prototypes and sent them to earth. This led to further conflicts whereby each one of them wanted the one to launch off the spirits and hence gain greater recognition. It almost seemed that the project would be scrapped out because of the warring groups. Finally after innumerable meetings, they reached a consensus. Each one of the groups would launch off spirits but the spirit would communicate only with the head of their group (Brahma/Allah/Jesus) and no one else. Also the variation would be in terms of how on reaching the termination date the spirit would segregate itself from the body. E.g. the bodies of the Hindus would be consigned to flames while that of the Muslims would be buried.

Since things had gone ugly by then, no one wanted to take the responsibility of writing further code for these enhancements. The management was in a fix for a while. But then things had to be worked out else things would become confusing for the prototypes. So they hired some fresh graduates to enclose this new knowledge in the form of documents. These documents were woven in the form of stories so as to make them more interesting. Thus were born the Vedas, the Quran and the Bible. Once written; they were left out on the Earth for mankind to find and interpret it. The scriptures were updated from time to time by the deeds of the achievements of God. The instructor from team God explained to the selected human (known as “Disciple”) over the knowledge sharing session known as “Dream” as to what needed to be written. The Disciple then used to put it down on paper for the awareness of the masses and in the process became a known figure himself.

Over a period of the time the team God added fancy add ons like showing a just terminated spirit his actions done on earth in the form of a video film and then rewarding him with a reward or punishment, based on the decision of the Supreme Court. The reward/ punishments were both in the form of trips to locations called Heaven and Hell, respectively. After the trip the spirit was back to “bench” (non working period) till the time it got a new assignment. But then there were problems also. Due to wrong signal transmission the spirits terminated from earth couldn’t reach the base. They started moving around in the universe and over a period of time became intelligent enough to prevent their capture. They also developed techniques to (mis)guide other spirits to their own group. They came to be known as the “Ghosts”

That was how mankind came into being. And that is how the cycle of life and death works. Simple isn’t it? But then if it’s so simple and religion is just a means of reaching the base, then why do we all fight??


  1. ha ha ha :D
    Very impressive:)

    Liked the perspective

    Keep it rollin;)

  2. it was nice reading ur non fiction "fiction"
    n yes u hv already answered yr last question. "the programs are open ended..............."

  3. The read (God Software et. al)looks quite an interesting perspective. Was tempted to run down in full but would have had to write back too.
    Shall be back soon !!

    Merry Christmas & A very happy New Year !! (To all u & all followers)

  4. Robin, Gods are created just like you and me. Therefore, they do not deserve special treatment. However, all of us need slaves!

    If I existed 2000 years hence and dug up your statue, you could be my Goddess. Now, in order to make you Goddess of a million, I would have to create you!
