Things would have gone like this forever and this story would have been buried under the Atlantis. But for the incident that changed the course of her lives and of us.
The day was cloudy. Strong winds were brewing from across the oceans and had not the snakes held on to the cottage so strongly Maya would have been in an aeroplane:). She was seated at the window, her favourite seat where she could look at both the worlds. Then it started raining, in torrents. So much that it seemed a waterfall had found its way from heaven to the earth. Suddenly Maya saw somebody coming along....
She couldn’t believe her of all the days? When it is raining so hard that it seemed the 2 worlds on either of her sides will get mixed in each other, under the influence of the pouring liquid. Was it possible that the rain god himself has come? Anyways there was nothing much to be done except waiting until he came nearer.
On his part the stranger was equally enamored by the light that stood still in the pouring weather. His mahagony forehead seemed to be baked out in the sun and was held so high and mightly...and his eyes..they gleamed with the strange light, such that the entire effect was that as if on was looking at the sun itself. Amidst the rain and light; well he could have been an onlooker's personal rainbow..with a beauty that made people warm with desire and yet noone could reach out for.
He walked straight ahead unflinching in the pouring rain. Coming closer he realized that it was a cottage. Maybe a likely place where he could get food, water and human company. It would probably be days before he would see another house or a human face for that matter.
He was greeted at the gate by the snakes and a little behind them by their charmer. Custom dictated that a single male could not meet an unaccompanied maid or vice versa. But Alas! These were the customs of the world and neither of them were slightly familiar with them. And then there was noone to stop them or tell them this fact. Astitva as Maya later found out came from another world. A world where the average age of a human was 200 year s and where there were no females. Yeah you read it right. Just the men. And contrary to what you think it was an interesting place. The heart misses and longs for what it had. Not what it never had, never saw or heard of. The men of course never mated (they did sleep around) but in the absence of the woman kind they led carefree lives.
But then a planet no matter how populated cannot survive for long without children. Without sex. Of the very best of the men were chosen from the lot and were called by the Gods to create a progeny from their own kind. 2 distinct breeds mating with one another, one the rulers of the worlds and another the carefree and often useless. The end results were often a class apart in themselves and more often than not they were woman. The class between Gods and men. The gold between platinum and silver.
So Astitva was the chosen one and right now he was heading to the Land of Gods. His mates back in his world were unaware of his absence. For them his body was still there amongst them, working eating sleeping talking..doing everything that it would normally do. It was his spirit that was traveling. Astitva told Maya that this period that he would be spending outside his world would like in all other similar cases would make his body (rather the functioning brain inside the body) unaware of what was happening to his spirit. But his spirit could sense and be aware of all the happenings to his body and otherwise. However when he would return back, to his body to his world slowly the memory of all this would fade away, like a dream. The memories of the body would overlap that of the soul.
.. imagination worth appreciation!